Sarah Scazzi, the European Court rejects Cosima and Sabrina's appeal: "Inadmissible"
The women, sentenced to life imprisonment, have always professed their innocenceCosima Serrano and Sabrina Misseri (Ansa)
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The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has declared inadmissible the appeal presented by the lawyers of Sabrina Misseri and Cosima Serrano, sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Sarah Scazzi , Sabrina's fifteen-year-old cousin killed on 26 August 2010 in Avetrana (Taranto).
An appeal filed in April 2018, the judge's response arrived six and a half years later.
The news was revealed exclusively last night during the episode of “Quarto Grado”, by journalist Giammarco Menga.
The women have always professed their innocence, while Sarah's uncle Michele Misseri pleads guilty . The man, sentenced to 8 years for suppression of a corpse and tampering with evidence, was released from prison last February and returned to live in the villa on Via Deledda, in Avetrana, where the crime was committed, on which a much-discussed and equally successful TV series is also centered.
(Online Union)