There are 11 precautionary measures carried out by the Financial Police and the State Police as part of an investigation by the Naples Prosecutor's Office for complicity in corruption for an act contrary to official duties, trafficking in illicit influence and disturbed freedom of auctions.

The suspects include politicians, local administrators and entrepreneurs.

Among the names are those of Nicola Oddati, at the time of the events a member of the National Directorate of the Democratic Party and currently manager of the Campania Region, and the former mayor of Pozzuoli (Naples) Vincenzo Figliolia, as well as Giorgio Palmucci (former president of Enit - National Tourism Agency and member of the tender evaluation commission for the awarding of the concession relating to the redevelopment of the Rione Terra in Pozzuoli) and the entrepreneur Salvatore Musella.

During the investigations it emerged that, in order to win the management of a large tourist-hotel complex, Musella paid money and other benefits, on a periodic basis, to Oddati.

Thanks to the intermediation of Oddati and Musella's privileged contact with the mayor pro tempore of Pozzuoli, Vincenzo Figliolia, the awarding of the Rione Terra concession would have been manipulated by anticipating Musella's requirements for participation in the tender. Not only that: according to the investigators of the Flying Squad and the Financial Police, the identification of the partners of the entrepreneur from Pozzuoli and the designation of the members of the proposal evaluation commission would also have been arranged. However, everything was thwarted by the investigation which today led the investigating judge of Naples to issue eleven precautionary measures.

Again according to the investigators, Musella was helped by his close collaborators Salvatore Della Corte, Gianluca Flaminio and Antonio Carrabba), by an employee of the Municipality of Pozzuoli (Angelo Tortora), by Giorgio Palmucci, pro tempore president of Enit, member of the Commission evaluating the offers for the awarding of the concession, as well as by Giovanni Bastianelli, executive director of ENIT at the time. Musella would also have benefited from Oddati's illicit intermediation with Luciano Santoro (former provincial councilor of Taranto) and with Sebastiano Romeo (former provincial secretary of the PD of Reggio Calabria) in the context of contracts for the renovation, respectively, of "Palazzo Carducci " in Taranto and the "B. Chimirri" school complex in Catanzaro.


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