In Padua there is a storm for the transcripts on the municipal registers of the children of the rainbow couples .

In the Venetian city there are 33 cases of children of same-parent couples registered in the registry office since 2017 , i.e. those born through assisted fertilization and - in fact - with two mothers. However, according to the Public Prosecutor's Office «the “ second motherdoes not exist in Italian law . Nor the possibility for the woman to assign the surname of her partner to her biological child ».

In April, the judicial office had asked the Municipality for the records of all 33 children. And the first , that of a little girl with two mothers registered in August 2017 by the Municipality, was also the first to be challenged for illegitimacy . Thus - shortly - the children of 33 rainbow families, all with the surname of the two mothers, will be faced with a drastic change in their marital status. "They are the same cases, there is no reason to differentiate - explained the Acting Prosecutor Valeria Sanzari. "The appeal will reach all the couples for whom we have asked the Municipality for the registry documents".

The family that will first appear in Court has a second child, the biological son of the other woman – the second parent of the child at the registry office -. They are only a few months apart in age, and up until now they have lived like brothers. But in the appeal of the birth certificate, the magistrate writes that "the young age of the child rules out that changing the surname as requested could have repercussions on her social life". The mother of the little girl is not of the same opinion, according to whom «it is not just a question of repercussions on social life , but of repercussions on one's identity, a fundamental right until proven otherwise. A personal trauma in a delicate phase of development, due to the fact of no longer having a brother and a mother». "I wonder - continues the woman - how can a Court of a State that professes the protection of minors as a priority, exclude that a 6-year-old girl, enrolled in primary school, can accuse a change of surname, a brother and a mother who in form they cease to be family». The Public Prosecutor's Office, defining the indication in the birth certificate of the non-biological mother as second parent as illegitimate, therefore requests the cancellation of the latter's name, and the rectification of the double surname attributed with it to the child.

According to the president of Famiglie Arcobaleno, Alessia Crocini, we are faced with «a shameful and unworthy act of a civilized country . While Carolina Varchi (Fdi), rapporteur of the bill against the Gpa, assured in parliament that her party cares about all children, the first mothers were notified of the challenge of the birth certificate: hypocrisy in the pure state of a government who since he took office has been acting systematically to cancel the rights of our children". At the same time, the mayor of Padua said he was " serene and satisfied with the choices made ". For him, the transcripts of the children of two mothers "is an act of responsibility towards these little ones, because I do not accept the thought that they are discriminated against right away, as soon as they are born".


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