The first day of exams for over 500,000 Italian graduates begins this morning at 8.30. Today's test is that of Italian: students are offered seven tracks of three different types, ranging from the analysis and interpretation of the literary text, to the analysis and production of an argumentative text, to a critical reflection of an expository-argumentative nature. on topical issues.

Six hours is the time available.

The commissions are 13,703 for 27,319 classes.

There is no obligation to wear a mask , the use of which is only recommended in particular in situations where it is not possible to respect the interpersonal distance of at least one meter.

In Sardinia there are 12,927 candidates divided into 404 commissions.

THE TRACKS - Understanding, analysis and interpretation of a poem from Giovanni Pascoli's Myricae "La via ferrata" and for the analysis of an argumentative text "The only fault of being born" by Gherardo Colombo and Liliana Segre: these are the first traces proposed .

Then there is a short story by Giovanni Verga, "Nedda, Sicilian sketch", and a speech delivered in the Chamber by Giorgio Parisi, Nobel Prize in Physics 2021.

And, again, "Keep it on: post, comment, share without turning off your brain" is the theme on hyperconnection: a reflection based on a text by Vera Cheno and Bruno Mastroianni.

Another track is the understanding and analysis of a text taken from Oliver Sacks "Musicofilia". It also asks for a reasoning on the power that music exerts on human beings.

Even the pandemic enters the final exams thanks to the type C. In fact, a text taken from Luigi Ferrajoli was proposed to the high school students "Why a Constitution of the Earth?". The student is invited to reflect on the text and produce a paper.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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