In 2023, after three school years in which the high school diploma was held in particular ways due to the Covid emergency, the final exam of the second cycle of education is now back to taking place according to the structure defined by Legislative Decree 62/2017.

There will therefore be a first written test in Italian, common to all fields of study, which will take place from 8.30 on Wednesday 21 June 2023; a second written test , concerning the disciplines characterizing the individual study paths (for the Professionals outlined by Legislative Decree No. 61/2017, who this year take the State Exam for the first time, the second written test does not concern more specific disciplines but the outgoing skills and the fundamental thematic nucleuses of address related to them); the interview, which must ascertain the achievement of the students' educational, cultural and professional profile. During this phase the candidate also presents the experiences carried out in the context of the courses for soft skills and orientation (PCTO) and the skills acquired in the field of civic education.

While the Examination Boards are made up of an external president, three external members and three internal members of the educational institution.

Finally, a third written test is foreseen in some fields of study (sections EsaBac, EsaBac techno, sections with an international option, schools in the Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta, in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and schools with a Slovenian teaching language and Slovenian/Italian bilinguals of Friuli-Venezia Giulia).


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