The investigations into the network of accomplices who protected the fugitive Matteo Messina Denaro continue. The Carabinieri del Ros arrested Emanuele Bonafede, nephew of the boss of Campobello di Mazara Leonardo Bonafede, and his wife Lorena Ninfa Lanceri for aiding and abetting and procuring non-compliance with sentences aggravated by the mafia method.

According to the investigators, the couple hosted the Cosa Nostra boss "on an ongoing basis and for several days" in the house in Campobello di Mazara, who usually went to lunch and dinner in the two's apartment , coming and going undisturbed thanks to the checks that the Bonafedes carried out to prevent the presence of the police in the area. The spouses - according to the prosecutors - would therefore have provided the boss with "prolonged assistance aimed at satisfying his personal needs and maintaining his state of fugitive". Furthermore, Lorena Lanceri , according to the investigators, was included in the communications circuit which allowed the former fugitive to maintain contact with some people particularly dear to him and was very close to him. « The beauty of my life was to meet you , as if fate decided to make it up to you by giving me a gift in grand style. You are that gift », the woman had written in a 2019 note addressed to Messina Denaro. In addition to being the nephew of the Campobello boss, Emanuele Bonafede is the brother of Andrea Bonafede, arrested in recent weeks on charges of having given the mafia boss the health prescriptions compiled by the doctor Alfonso Tumbarello, who ended up in prison for external competition in the mafia association, and is the cousin of another Andrea Bonafede, the surveyor of Campobello who lent his identity to Messina Denaro.

In total, Messina Denaro's supporters who ended up in handcuffs rise to six. Since the capture of the godfather, on 16 January, Giovanni Luppino, the driver who accompanied the chemotherapy boss to the La Maddalena clinic on the day of the blitz that ended his thirty-year fugitive, Andrea Bonafede, the surveyor who lent him the identity, his cousin of the same name, his brother Emanuele arrested today with his wife Lorena Lanceri and Alfonso Tumbarello, the doctor who prescribed drugs and analyzes to the Trapani godfather. They are accused in various capacities of external competition in a mafia association, mafia association, aiding and abetting and procured non-compliance with the sentence.


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