Life imprisonment . This is the sentence imposed on Alessandro Maja, 57, accused of the double murder of his daughter Giulia, 16, and his wife Stefania Pivetta, 56, and of the attempted murder of their eldest son Nicolò, who were hit with hammers on the night between 3 and 4 May 2022 , in their villa in Samarate (Varese) .

The man, by decision of the Court of Assizes of Busto Arsizio, will also be subjected to 18 months of daytime isolation.

The sentence came after 5 hours of deliberation.

Nicolò, 21 years old and the only survivor, was present in the courtroom.

The prosecution had asked for life imprisonment and 18 months of solitary confinement, while the defense had asked for the granting of extenuating circumstances and recognition of partial mental defect.


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