A little girl giving Communion, next to the priest.

The decision of a parish priest from Bergamo, Don Eros Accorigi, is controversial   who during last Sunday's mass in the Ossanesga hamlet, in Valbrembo (Bergamo), had an altar girl distribute the host.

The video of the sacrament, which is circulating on social media, has sparked many protests. And several emails of complaint have arrived at the Curia of Bergamo.

The priest then explained: «I was left without an extraordinary minister of Communion. I thought about asking the little girl who was serving me Mass as an altar girl. Who seems to me to be the purest of heart among so many sinners. It almost seems like he killed a person, I don't think the Eucharist was vilified... I don't think so."

The vicar general Don Davide Pelucchi and the liturgical office intervened from the Curia and urged the parish priest not to do it again.


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