A woman killed a man last night around 11pm in Bicinicco (Udine) . The crime occurred during an argument, at the height of which she killed him with scissors and threw muriatic acid in his face.

The carabinieri from the investigative unit of the provincial command arrived on site and immediately arrested the woman. Her name is Silvia Comelli , 42 years old, his name is Stefano Iurigh , he was 43.

The magistrate on duty from the Public Prosecutor's Office of Udine also arrived at the scene of the crime.

The two were initially thought to be husband and wife, but they are not. Investigators are working to understand the relationship between the two and reconstruct the motive for the crime . After the murder, the woman called for help and confessed to the police, then remained in total silence.

The murder took place in the house owned by the man, in Via Roma.


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