She died of a brain haemorrhage and saved seven patients awaiting transplantation by donating them lungs, kidneys, heart, skin and corneas.

The complicated operation was performed at the hospital in Pinerolo, in the Turin area, at the express will of the victim, who in life had asked to donate their organs, and of his family.

The operation was carried out in the night between 25 and 26 December by the staff of the operating room and resuscitation of Pinerolo, in collaboration with the regional coordination of donations and withdrawals, together with some teams of professionals from other hospitals, such as provide for the protocols for multi-organ harvesting for transplantation purposes.

An articulated intervention, carried out with multidisciplinary competence and in total safety, according to the management plan of the Covid free paths inside the hospital.

"I would like to sincerely thank you for this great gesture of solidarity, which takes on particular significance in these days at the end of the year - underlines Franca Dall'Occo, general manager AslTo3 -. Thanks also go to all those who with great professionalism, starting with the operators of our hospital in Pinerolo, made the donation possible by setting in motion and managing a complex organizational machine, despite the pressure that the new pandemic wave is causing on our health structures ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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