Trieste has the largest Covid-19 cluster in the region, all linked to the anti-Green pass demonstrations that were held over several days in Piazza Unità d'Italia.

"An identikit obtained from the self-declarations of people who have undergone a swab and who have declared, in fact, to have participated in demonstrations - said the head of the Fvg health task force, Fabio Barbone, during a press conference -. Some cases, but these are minimal numbers, are of people who, out of obligation to work, have participated and had to follow the demonstrations ".

From the self-declarations and the videos it can be seen that these people "did not use masks, did not respect the distance, they were side by side with many people in situations such as talking animatedly, screaming, singing", indicated Barbone.

ON THE CASES - Overall, the infections in the Friulian capital continue to rise. "It's exponential", added Barbone: "You go up very quickly and you go down very slowly".

In the last week in the "province of Trieste, 801 new cases have been registered, double the previous week". This "has led to an infection rate of 350 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants in the last 7 days, just under triple that of the rest of the region. The incidence figure takes us back to spring 2021 and autumn 2020". Now, "the variable time is fundamental".

STOP TO THE EVENTS - Meanwhile, to stem the growth of the curve, until the end of the year there will be no demonstrations in Piazza Unità d'Italia and penalties will be issued for those who demonstrate without respecting the distance and the obligation of the mask. This was ordered by the prefect of Trieste, Valerio Valenti.

FEDRIGA: "THE VACCINE WORKS" - The governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia Massimiliano Fedriga also expressed himself harshly on the question: "Enough nonsense! People don't care because some clown goes to tell lies and scare citizens. The vaccine is there, it works and has very few contraindications ". "We cannot go back to months ago" and we must stop "doing damage to the health and economy of this area". The vaccine, "I say clearly, is not experimental," he concluded.

(Unioneonline / D)

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