New police crackdown on the radical fringes of the No Vax and No Green Pass movements.

The agents carried out a series of searches and kidnappings in various Italian cities.

From what has been learned, there are 17 measures against extremists of the protest groups who make their proselytes on the Telegram channel "Enough Dictatorship".

Against them are hypothesized, for various reasons, the crimes of instigation to commit a crime with the aggravating circumstance of the use of telematic tools and instigation to disobey the laws.

"The operation - explains a press release - was carried out following investigations carried out under the direction of the specialized magistrates of the Turin Public Prosecutor's Office, a terrorism and subversion group, with the direct participation of the Postal Police Departments and the territorial Digos, under the coordination of the Postal and Communications Police Service and the Central Directorate of the Prevention Police ".

The searches took place in Ancona, Brescia, Cremona, Imperia, Milan, Pesaro Urbino, Pescara, Palermo, Pordenone, Rome, Salerno, Siena, Treviso, Trieste, Turin and Varese.

The group "Basta Dictatura", the investigators underline, "in recent months had collected tens of thousands of subscribers, proving to be the connecting node with all the main protest web spaces, characterized by a persistent incitement to hatred and the commission of serious crimes; the viral propagation of the messages has also caused considerable inconvenience in the management of public order and safety in the squares ".

"The suspects - the investigators add - had participated in the chat, systematically instigating the use of weapons and carrying out serious illegal acts against the highest institutional offices, including the Prime Minister Mario Draghi; recurrent objectives were also the forces of 'order, doctors, scientists, journalists and other public figures accused of' enslavement 'and' collaborationism 'with the' dictatorship 'in progress. for personal protection, she agreed to make herself a 'slave' of the state ”.

“Many of the searches - the investigators point out - were already known to the police, both for having adhered to extremist positions and for previous crimes such as resistance to a public official, theft, robbery, extortion and in the field of drugs. Among the suspects, however, there are also uncensored subjects who have fallen into the spiral of online hatred. The contents and tones were exasperated, with explicit references to 'hangings', 'shootings', 'gambling', as well as direct allusions to 'new marches on Rome' and terrorism ”.

Finally, among those identified, there were also subjects who had promoted motorway and railway blocks as well as activists involved in street attacks on the police forces employed for public order services.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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