In the hospital the splints are missing, the fracture is blocked with cardboard: the Prosecutor's Office opens a case
The young man had arrived at the emergency room after an accident. Then the photo of the "wrapped" leg ended up on social mediaPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
He arrived at the emergency room in Patti (Messina) with a fractured fibula. But there were no splints for the cast in the hospital, so doctors immobilized his leg using packing cardboard. The injured person, a 30-year-old involved in a road accident, found his leg wrapped up, so much so that his father decided to post the photo of the unwelcome "gift" on Facebook, demanding an account
to the president of the Region and the Sicilian deputies: "How can you leave an emergency room in these conditions?".After the case, which went around the web, the first measures arrived. The ASP of Messina, after having appointed an inspection commission which is carrying out checks on what happened, relieved the acting head of the emergency room from her role, as «it had been assigned in 2021 in ways that did not comply with the current contractual regulations of category". Furthermore, the Company requested «to initiate disciplinary proceedings also against the medical director of the Patti hospital for the lack of medical material». «The checks will continue», assured the president of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani.
The disciplinary proceedings against the medical director of the Patti hospital are for "failure to supervise the procurement procedures". Same request against the head nurse "for failure to manage the department's pharmaceutical warehouses and consequent failure to supply medical devices". The ASP also communicated to the regional health department that the disposable immobilizers have already been delivered and "the episode is attributable to a precise professional choice of the doctor who assisted the user", in ways that seemed completely inappropriate ».
In the meantime the boy, who should have returned to the hospital for a check-up two days after the first treatment, said that he «preferred to go to Messina to a private center where they put me in a cast. It cost me 200 euros."