Guest in Hungary of a family of Italian citizens with minors. This is the situation in which Ilaria Salis is serving house arrest . Except that, after the Hungarian judge revealed the address of the house yesterday, the boys are "at risk". The father of the 39-year-old Roberto Salis said this in Aosta, during an event in the Avs electoral campaign.

Given the difficulties of finding accommodation with the type of rental contract required to be able to release the teacher of Sardinian origins from the prison where she was imprisoned, «we had to find an alternative solution , which fortunately manifested itself thanks to the fact that some Italian citizens said "we'll take it at home". Because there is also humanity in this world", explained the parent. "These people - he said - made themselves known by writing an email to the embassy, which then forwarded it to Ilaria's lawyers." So «we made contact with these gentlemen» and at the embassy «we then asked, “can you help us find out who these gentlemen are? They are registered with Aire, I imagine you have contacts." They told us "absolutely not, we can't do these things".

Subsequently there was contact with «these people who are wonderful, so they become my brothers and sisters. But they are also at risk." «The ambassador – explains Salis – had to go and speak to the Minister of Justice and the Interior to get reassurances on security. And he went. He told me that they had assured him that they would do everything possible. If these people told them they didn't do anything, what did they do? Did they kill her on the street? So truly, we are furious with the institutions for the support we are having for Ilaria."


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