Tragedy in Rome. A 37-year-old Sardinian medical specialist, Luca F., was hit and killed as soon as he left Villa Borghese, in the heart of the capital. The impact with the BMW, in Via della Pinciana, was extremely violent: the man was thrown into the air for several meters before ending up on the asphalt. When help arrived he was already dead.

Specializing at Sapienza University, the 37-year-old had gone for a run in the park a stone's throw from Via Veneto and was returning home.

He had no documents with him, only his cell phone. Local police officers traced his identity through his smartphone, at which point they contacted his family in Sardinia to give them the dramatic news.

At the wheel of the car was a 26-year-old Romanian national who tested positive for alcohol. The young man, who stopped to help, was reported for vehicular homicide. Local police investigations are underway to reconstruct the exact dynamics of the accident. It is not clear whether the victim was crossing the road at that moment or running along the edge: the cameras and various testimonies are being examined. The car, which had been rented, was probably traveling at a higher speed than permitted.


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