Roberto Coppola, a Milanese man who passed away seven years ago, is alive and in good condition. The State Police of Milan, which, following input from the Office of the Special Commissioner for Missing Persons, had started new investigations in August, was informed by Interpol of Washington DC that it is located in Texas.

It was the mother who reported, in 2016, that she was no longer able to have contact with her son. The report had led to international searches, over the years without success. The police focused on Texas, where, based on information received from the mother, the son would have moved. Thanks to the Security Expert at the Embassy in Washington, he was found.

«Reassured? I am reborn", Anna Maiorano commented to Ansa. «There were years in which I alternated between resignation and hope and I prevailed - he explains - He will explain the reasons why he hasn't been in touch all this time when we see each other. Now I'm just happy that he's okay." Roberto Coppola was in Calgary, Canada, the last time he had contact with his mother. Then nothing more until today.


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