Now of great anxiety in Vigonovo, in the Venetian area, in the house of Giulia Cecchettin, a 22-year-old girl who disappeared since Saturday evening after being seen in the company of her ex-boyfriend Filippo Turetta, who was also untraceable .

Gino, the girl's father, was very worried and cast strong suspicions on the young man, also 22 years old: « He had not accepted the end of the relationship. Filippo's parents told me that in the last few days the boy barely ate and was very down in spirits. I fear that this may have something to do with the disappearance and it scares me a lot ." The two, classmates at university, had been engaged for a few months, then broke up last August.

In Giulia's case, the Carabinieri have activated the missing persons plan and are carrying out searches throughout the region. The reconstruction of the meeting between the two boys, in the McDonald's of a shopping center in Marghera where they had arranged to meet, made use of video surveillance images. Giulia had sent one last message to her sister, around 10.40pm, then nothing more .

According to initial reconstructions, the boy's phone last connected to the cell phone in Fossò - not far from Giulia's town - around midnight on Saturday.

The families of the two boys formalized the missing person report yesterday evening, presenting themselves to the police in Vigonovo and Teolo (Padua). There were countless social appeals, even the Venetian governor Luca Zaia shared it .


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