Regarding fires «the season promises to be complicated due to the fact that average temperatures have increased. We have part of Italy in a drought area and there is also already a declaration of state of emergency for the southern part of Italy and Sicily. It will definitely be a challenging season."

Fabrizio Curcio, head of Civil Protection , said this on the sidelines of an event in Florence. "This year - explained Curcio - there is an element of complication in some regions because the regional fleets have been established but not all the regions have managed to have the same helicopters as in 2023".

«At a national level - added Curcio - we have increased the response capacity also through the availability of Europe which provides us with two Fire Bosses , furthermore this year we are trying to have a location that is more central with respect to those that are the centers of gravity of the interventions that we normally observe during the summer campaign".

And again: «This year too we have started those twinning works with the volunteers, who will move from north to south and - continued Curcio - we will above all have to monitor with great attention because then we know that the season can also be a certain type and then you run into those 2, 3, 4, 5 days one after the other and the situation can become crucial."

«We must maintain very high attention on forest fires – concluded Curcio – we are making the rounds with colleagues from the Civil Protection Department and the Fire Brigade, from the regional operations rooms because the communication element is a crucial element, and then needs to be monitored."


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