Terrible fire in the apartment this morning in via della Spiga in Milan, in the so-called "quadrilateral of fashion". Seriously burned Tomaso Bracco, 50, member of the board of directors of the Bracco Foundation and niece of Diana Bracco, extracted from the apartment by the firefighters in a state of unconsciousness, with severe burns and intoxication.

It happened just before 10am. The police also closed a section of the road with the local police.

The flames would quickly spread to the entire floor of the building, a two-level housing unit.

(foto Vigili del Fuoco via Ansa)
(foto Vigili del Fuoco via Ansa)
(foto Vigili del Fuoco via Ansa)

"I was up in the attic doing the cleaning when I heard a door slam violently and I went down. I immediately saw a lot of smoke coming from the area of the two bedrooms and we went out", the story of the maid on duty this morning in the family home Bracco.

The woman, the cook and the house dog escaped from the apartment, while according to what was explained by the firefighters Tomaso Bracco "remained in the room, where we found him unconscious and carried away on his shoulders and down with a ladder truck".

The man was hospitalized at Niguarda.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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