The journalist Filippo Facci received a "warning" measure for stalking from the Anti-Crime Division of the Milan Police Headquarters, based on the statements of the ex.

The Agi learns it. «It is a duty – he explains to Agi – very trivially linked to emails that my ex and the mother of my children and I exchanged and which she did not like. It is an administrative act that can be challenged before the TAR whose weight is so insignificant that I don't even know if we will challenge it ».

According to Facci, that exchange of emails is "a pretext for this person to file another lawsuit who has filed 4 lawsuits with me in the last 4 months". The two split in 2019.

The journalist, just in these hours, ended up in the storm for a piece on the case of the son of Ignazio La Russa, accused of sexual assault by a 22-year-old woman. "A 22-year-old girl was high on cocaine before Leonardo Apache was high," she wrote. Words that have raised a controversy and that jeopardize the program that should lead on Rai.


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