Fatal illness after three consecutive cosmetic surgery operations: an investigation opened
The 37-year-old felt ill after a rhinoplasty, liposuction and breast augmentation
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It investigates the death of Vanessa Cella, the 37-year-old from the Arenaccia district of Naples who died Saturday evening after having undergone three consecutive operations (a rhinoplasty, a liposuction and an additive mammoplasty) in the surgical rooms of the Santa Maria la Bruna clinic in Torre del Greco. (Naples).
The woman went to the clinic on Saturday with a friend. After the three cosmetic surgeries, very close to each other, he had a fatal illness. The ambulance ride to the Mare hospital was useless: she was cut short during transport by a cardiac arrest.
According to what was told by the family members (the parents and three brothers and sisters) to the lawyer to whom the defense was entrusted, Enrico Ricciuto, the medical staff who performed the three consecutive operations on the woman assured at the exit that everything was gone. for the best. Yet, according to the reconstruction provided by relatives, Cella would never have awakened from anesthesia and indeed, over time and after the interventions, he would have accused evident illnesses, up to his death when transported by ambulance to the Neapolitan hospital.
An investigation into the case has been opened for manslaughter, for the moment against unknown persons. The body will be subjected to an autopsy: '' There is great expectation also among the woman's family - underlines the lawyer Ricciuto - in particular from the elderly parents of Vanessa Cella, who add to the pain of mourning that of not having yet been able to see the daughter as the body is currently under sequestration ".
The delays in the arrival of the emergency vehicle are the other point on which the woman's family members ask for clarification: the ambulance, the complainants write, would have arrived almost an hour after the first request. All aspects that in any case will be ascertained by the judiciary.
(Unioneonline / D)