Fabrizio Corona is no longer socially dangerous and, therefore, no special surveillance should be applied to him.

This is the decision of the Prevention Measures Section of the Court of Milan, which ordered the "revocation of the measure" that had been assigned to him in 2012, before he was arrested after the first final convictions. A measure that the Police Headquarters had asked in recent months to be renewed for one year and six months and with the aggravation of the obligation to stay and sign twice a week.

The judges took into account, we read in the provision, the "positive path of resocialisation", which included "psychiatric and medical treatment" and "detoxification", and the fact that he had no longer had any "irrevocable" convictions for at least 8 years. It doesn't even appear that the former paparazzi king, who finished serving his sentence last year, is now living on "illicit earnings".

For the lawyer Ivano Chiesa, Corona's historic defender, this is "yet another victory for Fabrizio and the defense, regarding yet another story based on nothing". And the lawyer added: "I hope that this judicial odyssey that has lasted too long is over once and for all." Meanwhile, Corona, who recently turned 50 and had finished serving his final sentences in September after about 10 years, will be able to get his passport back, as he hoped. "I will go to the USA and become famous, I don't know how, but I will become famous", he had been repeating for some time.


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