This morning in Marginone (Lucca) a building collapsed following an explosion. The accident, which took place around 11, was probably caused by a gas leak .

The firefighters immediately intervened on the spot, where three people lived. A man was pulled alive from the rubble. On the other hand, another is missing who would have been found on the ground floor of the house: he was together with the woman - who is still under the rubble - but with whom the firefighters managed to get in touch. They are digging to extract it.

The balance of the explosion also counts four injured defined as minor by 118: a woman with a suspected wrist fracture, her two children aged 9 and 12 who only had bruises or grazes, and a fourth person who suffered a chest trauma. From what I later learned, they live in a house next to the collapsed one. Usar personnel (for the search in the rubble) from the Prato and Pisa commands, teams from Pistoia, Pescia, and the dog lovers from the Siena command were also on site.


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