New turning point in the investigation into the murder of Luigi Criscuolo , 60, known to everyone in Pavia as Gigi Bici.

In the villa of Calignano, a hamlet of Cura Carpignano (Pavia), of Barbara Pasetti, the 40-year-old physiotherapist who ended up in prison on charges of attempted extortion as part of the investigation, the box with the work tools used by the victim. This is what emerged during the "Quarto Grado" television program.

The police carried out a first search of the house on January 20, the day Pasetti was arrested (also under investigation for murder and concealment of a body). The investigators then returned to the villa, a former 17th century monastery, on Tuesday 1 February, and thanks to the use of the georadar they were able to find an old small-caliber pistol, with the serial number canceled, which could be compatible with the bullet it had. killed Gigi Bici, killed by a blow to the right temple.

NEW ANALYSIS - The weapon will now be submitted to the forensic examination, which will have to establish whether it is actually the one of the crime.

Next week the investigators will know the results of the tests carried out on Criscuolo's car, found in the countryside of Calignano on the evening of November 8, with a shattered glass and blood stains inside the cockpit.

The woman from her cell in the women's section of the Piccolini prison in Vigevano (Pavia) continues to proclaim herself innocent, claiming to have "been framed" by someone who, according to her, would like to throw all the blame for Criscuolo's death on her .

THE DISAPPEARANCE - Gigi Bici had disappeared from home on the morning of Monday 8 November, the same day in which (according to the autopsy) he was killed. His body was found on the afternoon of Monday 20 December in a field of Calignano in front of the villa of Barbara Pasetti.

(Unioneonlione / D)

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