"Let's make the expulsions of dangerous illegal immigrants quicker, let's introduce full protection for all women and maintain that for minors but with the new rules it will no longer be possible to lie about one's real age."

This is how Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni summarizes the decree on immigration and security approved by the Council of Ministers. The provision was illustrated by the Ministers of the Interior and Justice, Matteo Piantedosi and Carlo Nordio.

The first responded to the controversies also coming from the Children's Guarantor relating to some measures on unaccompanied minors, primarily the possibility of hosting 16-year-olds in ordinary centers and not in structures dedicated to their age group. «We do not derogate from the protections. It is simply provided that in the event of a significant influx and unavailability of structures, the prefect can order the temporary stay for a period not exceeding 90 days in ordinary centres, but the protections and differentiated treatment for the self-styled minor do not cease ", he added. explained. Anthropometric checks are also provided to determine age.

Nordio, for its part, highlighted the inadequacy of the current laws. «The first legislation on immigration regulation - he recalled - is the Turco Napolitano law. We have witnessed a regulatory failure over the last 25 years, let us now intervene effectively. So far we have produced rules and papers, but those who needed to be expelled were reached by a paper measure, which was not implemented ."

The decree also allows the expulsion of foreigners with long-term residence permits by the Minister of the Interior and the prefect, as well as that of those who "in an instrumental way" present a new application for asylum while they are about to be repatriated. These measures, Piantedosi is convinced, "will increase the number of people who will be removed from Italy, which has already grown by 20-30% this year" .

The measure also includes an increase of 400 units (from the current 5,000) of the military contingent involved in Operation Safe Roads : it will be used to guard the railway stations and their use, Piantedosi specified, will be «no longer just static, but also dynamic to best exercise the operational and deterrence function."

Criticisms come from the CEI as well as from the opposition. "We express all our concern - said the general secretary, Monsignor Giuseppe Baturi - for a solution to the problem of migrants only in terms of rejection, containment and public order ". And minors, he underlined, «need greater protection, as do women. Simply custodial measures may not achieve the aim of respecting human dignity: on this I think that a dialogue with civil society, with the Church, with local self-governments, with the world of the third sector is possible".


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