There are also shady deals in Gallura in the new request for indictment by the Prosecutor of Perugia, led by Raffaele Cantone, for Luca Palamara .

According to the prosecutors , the former magistrate, accused of corruption, had been involved by an entrepreneur, Federico Aureli, in an "advantageous deal" , i.e. becoming a "hidden partner" of Kando beach based in Olbia .

The share of the former councilor of the CSM would have been registered in the name of an accountant and his "long-time friend". Kando beach - according to the prosecution's reconstruction - had therefore taken over a café-bar on the beach of Porto Istana . From the request for indictment it emerges that the former magistrate "without having paid any amount" participated in the management receiving the profits and was therefore interested "in the administrative procedures relating to the activity of the bar".

In exchange, Palamara allegedly made "his functions and powers" available to Aureli, who was also indicted for corruption: he allegedly "facilitated the successful outcome" of a criminal proceeding in the Rome court against two of his relatives .

"We proceed separately", however, against the entrepreneur Leonardo Manfredi Ceglia who, according to the indictment, as the legal representative of a company, would have offered Palamara stays in accommodation facilities in Capri and in the capital, also in this case, for to intercede in a criminal proceeding against Ceglia and some relatives, as well as in a separation lawsuit.


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