A very violent clash and a dramatic balance for yet another fatal accident on the streets of Rome. In this case, a five-year-old boy who was traveling with his mother and three-year-old sister aboard a Smart was killed. A hypothesis is added to the tragedy: it may have been caused by a video to be published on social networks.

The incident took place at 3.45 pm in via Archelao di Mileto, at the crossroads with via di Macchia Saponara, between the area of Acilia and Casal Palocco. The city car, in a dynamic yet to be clarified, collided head-on with a Lamborghini SUV driven by a twenty-year-old man with four people on board. A terrible impact, on the road there are, in fact, no signs of braking. A third car was involved in the accident.

The 118 staff intervened on the spot in addition to the carabinieri and local police officers. The child's conditions immediately appeared desperate: the little one was already in cardiac arrest when help arrived. After cardiac massage and an attempt at resuscitation, he was transferred to the Grassi hospital in Ostia. A desperate race which, however, was in vain: the doctors in the emergency room were unable to do anything but ascertain his death.

The mother, 29, and her daughter were also injured in the accident. The two were transported in red code to the Sant'Eugenio hospital. The conditions are serious.

The vehicles involved were seized. The SUV driver will be drug and alcohol tested. The investigations revealed that the Lamborghini had been leased.

Investigators are now analyzing some videos captured immediately after the fatal accident to verify who made them, whether the boy who was driving or one of the companions who was present in the car at the time of the collision.

The hypothesis that they were making a video for social media is also strengthened by what was told by the residents who had already spotted the SUV yesterday with the boys intent on shooting some videos inside . Furthermore, some witnesses recognized the youtubers who, according to what is learned, reside precisely in the Casal Palocco area, where the clash took place.


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