Tragedy in the night along the Sicilian roads. Three very young people lost their lives in an accident on the provincial road 11 at the exit of Niscemi, in the Nisseno area. A quarter is hospitalized with a reserved prognosis.

The victims are Gaetano Parisi, 20, Rosario Quinci, 18, and Alessandro Cirrone, 16. A 17-year-old, transported by 118 to undergo neurosurgery, ended up at the Sant'Elia hospital.

The accident occurred around 3. The four, who were returning home after a night out, were traveling in a Citroen C3 driven by the 20-year-old when, for reasons under investigation, they went off the road.

Ambulances from 118 arrived on the scene and the police station officers standing by

trying to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident, probably caused by the high speed.

The prosecutor on duty ordered the seizure of the vehicle and the return of the bodies to relatives.

(Unioneonline / L)

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