Libyan citizen Najeem Osema Almasri Habish was released on the evening of January 21, "and then repatriated to Tripoli, for urgent security reasons, with my expulsion order, given the dangerousness of the individual . The government has given its availability to provide more detailed information on the case in question. That will be a useful opportunity to delve deeper and report on all the stages of the affair, including the timing regarding the request, issuance and execution of the international arrest warrant, which then matured at the time of the Libyan citizen's presence in Italy."

Thus said the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi during question time in the Senate on the Almasri case .

"Following the failure of the Court of Appeal of Rome to validate the arrest, considering that the Libyan citizen was 'at liberty' in Italy and presented a profile of social danger , as emerges from the arrest warrant issued on 18 January by the International Criminal Court, I adopted an expulsion order for reasons of State security ", Piantedosi explained.

The Libyan citizen was arrested on January 19th in execution of an international arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court . "After the order was executed," Piantedosi reported, "the offices of the Attorney General at the Court of Appeal of Rome and the competent Department of the Ministry of Justice were informed, as well as the appointed defense attorney and the consular authorities. The Libyan citizen was temporarily associated with the local 'Lorusso e Cotugno' prison and, therefore, placed at the disposal of the competent judicial authority, namely the Court of Appeal of Rome and the aforementioned Attorney General at the same Court of Appeal. On January 21st, the Court of Appeal of Rome, within the scope of its powers to examine orders limiting personal freedom, declared that there was no need to adjudicate on the arrest of the Libyan citizen, which was deemed irregular as it was not provided for by law, ordering his immediate release unless he was detained for another reason." After his release from prison, an expulsion order was issued, given the subject's "social dangerousness".

Almasri is not a second-rate pawn of the Libyan institutions. He is the head of the Judicial Police and operates under the direct functional dependencies of the judiciary and of the national Attorney General himself. The arrest warrant was issued for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the prison of Mittiga, near Tripoli, since February 2011 .

The International Criminal Court has asked Italy for explanations for the general's release, and the opposition is also up in arms and is asking Giorgia Meloni to report to the Court as soon as possible: "It is unheard of that he was sent back to Libya."

(Online Union)

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