The storm on the Roman high school Eugenio Montale does not subside after rumors about the alleged relationship between a 19-year-old student and the principal .

Some of the students ask for the resignation of the manager "because she had to lead by example", but not all think so: "Most of the students are not indignant. Many think the same thing: 'They are of age, they do as they like'. If there was not even an impairment in the boy's school performance, so what's the problem? ", The words of a student of the institute now besieged by journalists and who until recently was famous only for being the school of Damiano dei Maneskin.
Meanwhile, the manager continues to deny, justifying everything with a sort of professional war and explaining that "unfaithful collaborators wanted to harm me": she was heard by the inspectors of the regional school office who intervened to activate checks.

The student, on the other hand, would have confirmed the liaison in at least two hearings in front of some managers of the Institute. A friend of his claims that "he regretted that this story came out, he is sorry: I knew that the chats with the principal were only cordial talks".

It is now up to the regional school office to check whether the conduct of the manager "violated her function", that is, if in some way, the relationship, if it were ascertained, could really have conditioned the conduct within the institution and affected the 19-year-old's school life, or his performance. Then the last decision will be at the discretion of the Office.

Meanwhile, the principal's lawyer, Alessandro Tommasetti, condemns the indiscretions of the press: "Publishing name, surname, profession, photos and audio in the absence of a crime and even before any search for the truth is not the right to report but a total denial of privacy and denial of fundamental rights for a human being, woman or man. In this case, Dr. Quaresima was the subject of a witch hunt as perhaps could have happened in the darkest Middle Ages ".

"The question to ask today is to what extent a certain 'journalism' can affect the human and professional life of a woman with awareness and absolute and unjustified 'news' sadism. The protagonists are of age. An essential and up to now almost minimized element. . With the male protagonist still kept in absolute anonymity and it is not clear why. The information imbalance must always be criticized but here there is much more and that is an evident and huge media problem of gender disparity which must be recognized as such. and dealt with ", concludes the lawyer.

(Unioneonline / D)

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