He allegedly sold several “ suicide kits ” based on “ face masks ” and sodium nitrite online. Among the buyers of a self-styled chef from Toronto , who admitted having supplied the poisonous substances on the web "to hundreds of suicidal Englishmen ", there were also 9 Italians . Among them there is already one victim : a 63-year-old woman from Valsugana , who allegedly took her own life on 4 April.

The alarm came from Interpol Canada , which reported that it had already blocked several sites attributable to man. Thus, after the alert from the Central Directorate of the Canadian Criminal Police to all the police stations and companies of the Carabinieri, a race against time has started in Italy to track down the other 8 clients, before it's too late.

In the UK there are already 4 deaths and the seller - at the moment - is under investigation.


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