Mourning for Achille Occhetto .

His son Malcolm died, as announced by the former secretary of the PDS himself on Facebook.

"My son Malcolm was struck down by a heart attack in Las Palmas - he wrote on social media -. I communicate it petrified and with unspeakable pain to his friends with this image of life ".

Malcolm, Maximilian's brother, was born from the love between the then leader of the Italian Communist Party and his first wife, the Italian-Somali actress Elisa Bove . Filmmaker and cinematographer, he was 54 years old.

"There are no words that can alleviate the immense pain for the loss of a child - comments Piero Fassino on Twitter -. An affectionate hug to Achille Occhetto, prostrated by the sudden death of Malcolm".

(Unioneonline / D)

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