A 29-year-old girl from Posada died this night in Turin, in Piazza Derna, in a road accident. Her name was Alessandra Caboni .

The car in which she was traveling as a passenger, a Tipo station wagon, crashed into a pole supporting the tram cables .

The girl driving the car ended up in hospital and was taken to San Giovanni Bosco under code yellow with a head injury and fractures to her legs.

The tragedy, reported the local press, occurred around one o'clock. High speed and little attention were perhaps the cause of the accident: the car in fact went up the roundabout of tram line 4 and crashed into the pole . The car crumpled in the violent impact.

Local police, firefighters, carabinieri and 118 were on site. The 118 operators tried to resuscitate the woman, to no avail. Excluding the involvement of other vehicles .


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