Hat and military jacket, a balaclava on his face and a sign in his hand that reads "Brigade of Citizenship Assault Department" .

With a photo on his Instagram profile , Beppe Grillo returns to what he said yesterday from the stage of the Movement demonstration. Accompanying the image, the inscription "Bench repair brigade" .

" Make the brigades of citizenship, put on balaclavas and at night, without being seen, do the chores, fix the sidewalks. React ,” Grillo said , sparking a flurry of controversy on the part of the center-right and the Pd itself, with D'Amato today deciding to leave the party's National Assembly due to the participation of the secretary Schlein in the demonstration. The reference of the comedian and founder of the Movement was to the man who was fined about a month ago after having repaired a pothole in the street instead of the municipality.

Giuseppe Conte , punched several times yesterday by Grillo, defended him: « He has been exploited by newspapers and other political forces . A formula that Grillo has used on other occasions, hoping for an active citizenship that today is even opposed».


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