The mercenaries of the Wagner group once again accuse the Russian army.

Chief Yevgeny Prigozhin said regular army units had retreated 570 meters north of the Donetsk town of Bakhmut , leaving the flanks of its own fighters exposed.

“Unfortunately – he said in a voice message – units of the Russian Defense Ministry have withdrawn. I appeal to the leaders of the Ministry of Defense publicly, because my letters are not read ».

Prigozhin, who in recent days had once again attacked Moscow's army, also denied that his mercenaries had achieved territorial conquests , as the Russian Defense Ministry had stated, and criticized the same ministry for having falsely represented a retreat as a conquest of new positions.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), in its daily report on the progress of the conflict, wrote that "despite the limited nature of counterattacks by Ukrainian forces, the Russians are losing the initiative in the Bakhmut area ".

The spokesman of the Eastern Group of Ukrainian forces, Colonel Serhiy Cherevaty, said his soldiers yesterday gained up to 500 meters in the direction of Bakhmut and continue to attack the Russian flanks.


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