The gap between the PP and the PSOE widens to 5 seats when 75% of the vote has been reached in Spain. The Populars stand at 132 seats, the Socialists at 127. Vox third with 33 MPs, Sumar fourth with 30.

Alberto Nunez Feijòo's centre-right formation was the clear favorite in the polls on the eve, but would therefore be far from the threshold of an absolute majority.

The PSOE of outgoing prime minister Pedro Sanchez, on the other hand, holds , head-to-head even between the left-wing coalition led by Yolanda Diaz and the ultra-conservatives of Vox , who do not make it through (they had 52 seats in the last legislature). The objective of entering the government of Madrid as a "junior partner" with the Popular Party is increasingly distant.

The pro-independence and local forces did well: Erc 9 seats, Jxcat 9, Pnv 5, EHbildu 6, Cup 1, Bng 1-2, Cc 1 and Tex 0-1.


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