An Italian journalist, la Repubblica reporter Corrado Zunino, was injured in Ukraine. Its Ukrainian interpreter Bogdan Bitik was instead killed .

It happened in Kherson, during a drone strike. Zunino "is fine and is followed by our Embassy in Kiev," said Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani .

The person directly concerned also confirmed on Twitter: «On the way from Kherson to Odessa. I'm fine, I have a wound on my right shoulder, grazed by the bullet that hit my great friend Bogdan . I think he died, at the beginning of the Kherson Bridge. An infinite pain. I had the jacket with the word Press on it .'

The interpreter leaves behind a wife and a son. The journalist, reports Repubblica, "after being injured, managed to save himself by dragging himself away from the vehicle : he was taken from a car that was in the area and taken to the Kherson hospital".

The two were " victims of an ambush by the Russians, they traveled making themselves clearly recognized as journalists ".

«The moment I learned the news of this inauspicious event, I contacted our military forces who gave me the details of the case. They have come into contact with the journalist and will do everything they can to help him,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told Skytg24, confirming that Zunino's collaborator was killed.


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