A man who spent almost 24 hours at sea off the coast of New Zealand has been rescued after using the reflection of his watch to call for help .

The man - according to what the BBC reports - fell into the sea from his boat during a solo fishing trip on Tuesday.

According to New Zealand police, he then attempted to swim to the Alderman Islands, about 55 km off the east coast of the North Island, but was swept away by the currents .

“He endured a cold night in the ocean, too exhausted to continue swimming,” authorities said. The man was rescued by three fishermen who approached, intrigued by the reflection of his watch.

The missing fisherman was taken to the nearby town of Whangamata on the Coromandel Peninsula, where he was treated for hypothermia . “It is an absolute miracle that the fisherman is still alive after the accident,” police said. «Without the timely intervention of the three men who recovered him, the outcome would certainly have been tragic. The boatmen did an absolutely outstanding job and undoubtedly saved this man's life."


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