The Motu Proprio "Traditionis custodes" published by Pope Francis in 2021, and with which Bergoglio effectively tightens the Mass in Latin , greatly saddened the Pope Emeritus.

This was revealed by his secretary, mgr. Georg Gaenswein, in an interview with Die Tagespost.

“That was a turning point. I believe Pope Benedict read this Motu Proprio with pain in his heart,” Gaenswein said, referring to the 2007 revision of Benedict's Motu Proprio "Summorum pontificum" by his successor in office.

«Pope Benedict's intention - explained Gänswein, 66 years old - was to help those who had simply found a home in the old Mass, to find an inner peace, to find a liturgical peace and also to distance them from Lefebvre. If we think for how many centuries the ancient Mass has been a source of spiritual life and nourishment for so many saints, it is impossible to imagine that it no longer has anything to offer. And let's not forget all those young people who were born after the Second Vatican Council and know nothing of the dramas that surrounded the Second Vatican Council. Take away this treasure from people, why? I don't think I can say I'm comfortable with that."

The apostolic letter of Pope Francis had the objective of "re-establishing in the whole Church of the Roman Rite a single and identical prayer which expresses its unity , according to the liturgical books promulgated by the holy Popes Paul VI and John Paul II, in accordance with the decrees of the Second Vatican Council and in line with the tradition of the Church". Thus "all the norms, instructions, concessions and customs prior to this Motu Proprio" were repealed. That is, precisely, the "Summorum Pontificum", the Motu Proprio of Benedict of July 2007 which gave full freedom of celebration with the ancient ritual. From 2021, on the other hand, for the Latin Mass, a particular request must be made and authorizations from the bishops obtained.

«For me it was important that the Church preserve internal continuity with its past - Benedict said - That what was previously sacred did not suddenly become a wrong thing. The ritual must evolve. This is why the reform was announced. But the identity must not break».


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