The general secretaries of Cgil, Cisl and Uil of Sardinia criticize the work of the Region on the investment and work front.

In fact, at the end of the year, according to workers' representatives, there are still many critical issues to be resolved, which concern priority issues such as energy , transport and health.

Aid could come both from the European resources of the Por 2021-2027 programming and from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which out of 66 billion euros plans to allocate 40% to the Southern Regions.

"There is no vision of the future and above all there is no involvement of all the social partners", explain the trade unionists, underlining that what has been done so far is "absolutely insufficient". This is why the Solinas administration is asking for a change of course, otherwise there will be a "hot" 2022.

"The industrial disputes are not closed and we suffer from a very serious delay in terms of programming and infrastructures - explains the leader of the CISL, Gavino Carta -. On the energy transition, the choices on the horizon are very far from what could be the future of Isola. There is no clear idea on the distribution of methane and we find ourselves in the condition of very heavy uncertainty also regarding the conversion of coal-fired power plants ".

Problems also in transport and health care: " Territorial continuity has about 30% fewer routes and some services are not guaranteed with the new call. In health, the collapse is evident, the programming of the sector has been abandoned for years, even from the previous one. Come, and we are 10 years late on healthcare professions and construction ".

Carta then appealed to the Region which, "with very few exceptions concentrated in a few departments, totally eluded the confrontation with the trade union".

Instead, Samuele Piddiu, secretary of the CGIL, focuses on employment: "The absolute priority is the need to start a discussion on the absent issue, namely work. We live in a dramatic condition with many unresolved disputes in all sectors, especially on the industrial system, with the uncertainty on the energy supply front and on the phase out to 2025. In all this, the main absentee is the regional government ".

Among the priorities is the resolution of the disputes of Air Italy and of the industrial port of Cagliari: "There are 1,322 workers who do not know what their future will be and there is still uncertainty for the employees of the canal port of the capital. Concern, then, for the ban on territorial continuity, because already today it is increasingly difficult to reach the Peninsula and Europe. Not to mention the developments in the management of airports ".

Speaking of health "within a few days the system will need to be reorganized, instead we see only a division of seats between the political forces: three years after taking office after a period of credit openings, we can say that the action of the Region is certainly lacking on all fronts ", concludes Piddiu.

"The hope is that in 2022, compared to the resources that will arrive in Sardinia, there will actually be a real recovery, but we need to have clear ideas on where to invest and on the development project", says Uil leader Francesca Ticca, according to whom it is a "quick reshuffle in the council, serious and made up of skills" is needed.

"We cannot ignore finding a solution, still distant for us, to the energy problem and to design a greener future. Then there is the question of insularity - he adds - a piece of road has been sketched and shared by the central government, but we are experiencing a great condition of hardship in the movement of people and goods ". Finally, as far as health is concerned, the priority for the unionist is that the internal areas of the island remain uncovered.

(Unioneonline / F)

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