In two days Mario Draghi will make his speech to the Chambers and from then on the future of his government will be decided.

As the Speaker of the Chamber Roberto Fico said at the conference of group leaders, they will be "fiduciary communications", therefore with the intervention of the Prime Minister, discussion and nominal vote on resolutions of confidence. The meeting was adjourned for tomorrow at 16.30 after the Senate meeting, to decide the times. The presidents will have to decide in which of the two chambers the vote of confidence will take place first.

At Palazzo Chigi the belief for now is that the conditions to continue are not there. Forza Italia and Lega have already made it clear that they do not intend to continue the experience with the Five Stars.

But the appeals to move forward instead multiply and come from politics and civil society, with the voices of numerous mayors, and also from international partners.

Draghi, his staff said, was impressed by the certificates of esteem and requests to remain in his post. For example, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte phoned him from the European chancelleries. Yesterday, for a few hours, he “pulled the plug” and with his family he left Rome to go to the beach, merely observing the scenario and the evolution of the situation from hour to hour.

Meanwhile, today he arrived in Algeria for the summit that marks the relaunch of cooperation between the two countries. Many institutional commitments - from the agreements to be signed with President Tebboune and with the many ministers in tow - at the inauguration of the business forum. Then the return to Rome, and the start of work to prepare his speech in Parliament.

"This week will be crucial and not just for Italy. A political vacuum in Rome would be yet another distraction for the West", which instead needs a "reliable partner hardened by the crisis like the former president of the ECB" meanwhile, writes the Financial Times.

In a document signed by Acli, Arci, Action Cattolica, Confcooperative, Cnca, Fuci, Gruppo Abele, Legambiente, Legacoop Sociali, Libera, Meic, Movimento Politico per l'Unità, and open to other subscriptions, the world of associations has launched an "appeal to Prime Minister Mario Draghi and to the political forces who supported him to avoid a government crisis". Expressing "deep and sincere concern", they underline that "the drama of the moment and the many demands for dignity of society do not need a crisis because they would be even more compromised".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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