The good news for those who receive it is that the single universal check paid every month in Sardinia has an average value of 161 euros. The bad news emerges by looking at the same data from another perspective: it means that the island's incomes are low. Only Calabrian families take the most (167 euros). And for the Sicilian ones the sum is identical to the Sardinian one: the second highest in Italy. Except that, as INPS writes, to determine the amount of the aid, the institute refers to the “increase for disabled children under 21, children belonging to large families and those of mothers up to 21 years of age. However”, and here is the negative side, “it is evident that the level of the Isee income remains the main determinant of the economic measure of the Auu per child”.

It is easy to draw conclusions: in the north the amounts are lower than in the south because "the extent of the recognized benefit is an (inverse) function of the ISEE level, in fact lower in the south than in the north".

The single allowance from February 2022 has replaced and absorbed other measures related to parenthood. The beneficiaries are families with minor dependent children, i.e. adult children who have not yet turned 21 if they are students or unemployed, as well as disabled children with no age limit. For newborns, the allowance starts from the seventh month of pregnancy

In the first eleven months of last year - the latest INPS update - 6.1 million applications were presented throughout Italy. In Sardinia there were 148,568 (2.4% of the national figure), for a total of 217,043 children.

The INPS provides for the Auu to be credited also in favor of citizens' income recipients, as a supplement calculated on the basis of certain parameters (downwards): in Sardinia an average of 97 euros was disbursed for 15,409 children.


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