In Tossilo the tension is skyrocketing. The situation is explosive and risks degenerating if new facts do not intervene. After the shocking announcement of the workers of Tossilo Spa (the company that manages the waste platform), who have been without salary for four months, announcing self-suspension from work in protest, the Prefect intervenes for the second time within a few months of Nuoro, Giancarlo Dionisi, sensitive to the problem of the workers but worried about the serious situation that has arisen on the waste front, which concerns the entire province and the central-northern part of the island.

The Prefect calls everyone around a table for the meeting set for next April 3 in Nuoro. The Region is called to the meeting in the first place, with the councilors for the environment, industry and labour, the Province, the mayors of Macomer and Borore, the president of the Union of Municipalities of Marghine, the president of Tossilo Spa , the liquidator of the industrial consortium, the representatives of CGIL, CISL and UIL.

Summit requested by the workers, but also by the unions who write in a document, among other things: «The workers are by now exhausted and on the verge of survival, while the composting line is still at a standstill, (together with the new waste-to-energy plant, whose start-up is been announced several times and punctually postponed several times). We ask that the meeting be convened urgently."

Antonio Succu, mayor of Macomer: «At this point we need a change of pace, because the situation is incandescent. We do not yet know the contents of the regional resolution on the use of funds for the payment of salaries".

The mayor of Borore, Tore Ghisu, adds: «A decisive acceleration of the times is urgently needed to secure workers and their wages. It is a problem related to waste management, which affects not only this area, but all of central-northern Sardinia».

The intervention of the judiciary, solicited by the workers, is not excluded.

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