With the African anticyclone, scorching heat is arriving on Italy, early summer, after weeks of unstable weather and thunderstorms.

And, according to forecasts by meteorologists, the highest temperatures in the coming days will be reached in Sardinia.

The mercury columns, explains Antonio Sanò, founder of the www.iLMeteo.it site, "will rise more significantly from Sunday, already reaching over 35°C in some inland areas of the Major Islands, particularly in Sardinia". Even in Oristano, 41 degrees could be reached.

«The days of Sunday and Monday – we read on the Arpas website – will be characterized by clear or partly cloudy skies except for afternoon gatherings on the reliefs and local passages of high clouds. Temperatures will be stationary in the minimum values, while they will increase slightly in the maximum values on both days in the western sector and inland areas in general. The winds will generally blow lightly with a south-eastern component on Sunday, while they will be weak or moderate the following day. The seas will be smooth with rising waves».


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