The main objective is the dissemination of culture to as many people as possible, as is the consolidation of a significant and important synergy: the Teatro Lirico of Cagliari is starting today two new partnerships with the editorial group L'Unione Sarda and Cagliari Calcio. A moment of great importance, which will be officially presented tonight at 6.30 pm in the presence of the mayor of the capital and president of the Teatro Lirico, Paolo Truzzu, together with the Superintendent Nicola Colabianchi, with the aim of reaching even wider audiences: «The theater wants open up to new collaborations and the widest possible public, this synergy with the editorial group L'Unione Sarda and with Cagliari Calcio is a fundamental element», underlines Colabianchi.

A fundamental piece that allows you to add, in addition to the refined shows of the concert season, also a series of parallel events of a cultural and social nature in new spaces such as the "Media Factory" located on the ground floor and the "Al foyer" lounge area allows you to relax in a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. «Moreover, this year we celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the beginning of the activities of the Teatro Lirico, an anniversary of great importance».

And, speaking of activities, the theater in via Sant'Alenixedda carries on many activities. «2023 started with the tour in Oman, we are also encouraging the internationalization aspect of the activities».

Two new partnerships, multiple initiatives, new spaces and the awareness, as claimed by the famous writer Elio Vittorini, that culture is an essential component that best completes people's existence. «These two new partnerships are very precious for us», concludes Colabianchi, «they give new life to our theatre, allowing us to look to the future with enthusiasm, attention and allowing us to be increasingly present in the territory».

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