The mayors of Villacidro and Lunamatrona, Federico Sollai and Italo Carrucciu, as presidents of the socio-health districts of Guspini and Sanluri, express "deep concern" on behalf of all the mayors of Medio Campidano for "the failure of the regional department to respond to the Healthcare on the extension of extraordinary primary care clinics (ASAP)".

The Medio Campidano Local Health Authority has implemented, starting from 1 October 2023, the Asap, to fill the shortage of general practitioners, "ensuring primary care for citizens without this professional figure", they recall. However, the expected retirement of another 2 general practitioners from 1 January 2024 "will add to the already serious shortage of doctors, leaving as many as 7,200 patients in the entire local health authority without a general practitioner".

The mayors ask "urgently that the activity of the extraordinary clinics not be interrupted on 31 December 2023, but rather extended during 2024, pending the assignment of definitive assignments to full-time doctors". And they therefore ask the Health Councilor for "a prompt response to this urgent request, to thus guarantee the continuity of primary care for the entire population concerned".


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