The ninth edition of the Ceramics Festival organized by the Il Terzo Uomo association begins on Saturday 23 September at the Giardino Sotto le Mura in viale Regina Elena.

For two days, between 10am and 7pm, the Cagliari park dedicated to journalists Peppino and Vittorino Fiori will host the international market exhibition "Ceramists in the Gardens". A more unique than rare opportunity for the public to personally meet the authors of the works. Twenty-nine exhibitors, Sardinian, Italian and French, will propose different forms of contemporary artistic and artisanal ceramics in the avenue where the stone sculptures of Pinuccio Sciola and the iron ones of Bruno Meloni are already permanently exhibited.

This year too the program includes the participation of artists who lend themselves to "divertissement" with the earth: the installations of Marta Fontana and Nazzareno Miconi will welcome the public in front of the main entrance; Sunday morning, in the small amphitheater, on the parking lot side, artistic performance by Josephine Sassu.

On Saturday and Sunday, again in the small amphitheatre, the public will be able to entertain themselves with ceramic boards and board games, inspired by different cultures in different places and over time. The exhibition curated by the Cemea association is the expression of the Clas - Ceramiche Ludic Artigianato Sociale project.

On Monday 25 September the Ceramics Festival will move to the Craft space of Sardegna Ricerche in Sa Manifattura. At 3.30 pm, in the meeting "Porcelain and Stoneware", the master ceramists Anne Krog and Michael Schwarz will illustrate techniques and experiences linked to their long professional activity.

From 27 to 31 October the Festival moves to Villa Verde in Alta Marmilla with the "Week of Poetry and Ceramics". On the program, a poetic writing workshop with the author and translator Elisa Biagini and an exhibition of ceramic illustrations by Pia Valentinis, a raku firing workshop with the ceramists Maria Cristina Di Martino and Salvatore Farci. In the streets of Villa Verde, installations in iron rod and terracotta by Bruno Meloni.

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