The ancient rites of Good Friday take on a suggestive dimension, in particular of S'Iscravamentu, then the procession in the streets of the historic centre, in all the villages of the Marghine. In Macomer and Bortigali, in particular, faith and tradition make spectacular those rites whose origins are lost in the mists of time.

Matraculas, Chigulas and Sa Rana are instruments that emit particular sounds, which involve children during the procession, with Su Mamudinu with the ritual of shouting. In both Macomer and Bortigali, every aspect of the events is taken care of by Sas Cunfrarias (the brotherhoods).

In Macomer the appointment is set for 7pm tomorrow in the ancient church of San Pantaleo (mother parish of Macomer). With costumes dating back to 1400, we proceed with the sacred representation of the deposition of Christ from the Cross, S'Iscravamentu, alternating with traditional songs, such as Miserere and Stabat Mater, as well as Non Mi Giamedas Maria, performed by the Melchiorre Murenu choir. After the deposition, the songs of the choir accompany the procession along the streets of the historic center, with Christ just taken down from the Cross, the Addolorata and the wooden Cross itself, which dates back to 1400.

Faith and tradition make tomorrow evening's procession in Bortigali spectacular, which runs through the streets of the historic center where a particular climate is created, with a mix of devotion, memory and customs that has resisted innovation over the centuries. Also in this case what makes the rites suggestive and exciting are the songs performed by the choir in Cuncordu.

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