A man from Tertenia , Davide Deiana , 48, was arrested twice within 12 hours by the same carabinieri. It happened to Tertenia.

The Prosecutor of Lanusei disputes three crimes , which occurred between late yesterday evening and this morning. Last night the unemployed man, with precedents, was intercepted by the carabinieri of the Jerzu company in the town of Tertenia at the wheel of a green Fiat Panda . The military chased him and blocked him at Migheli, along the road to Sarrala.

The car was stolen in the minutes preceding Cardedu and the man, who among other things was driving without a license, was arrested in flagrantism . On the orders of the magistrate on duty, Andrea Schirra, house arrest was applied to the unemployed in the home of Sarrala. In the morning today, the carabinieri surprised the unemployed in a navy room. Having violated the house arrest he was transferred to prison on the orders of the magistrate Giovanna Morra. In addition, the man was also charged with the attempted extortion against a local woman who reported everything to the carabinier i.

This afternoon the suspect, assisted by the lawyer Marcello Caddori, appeared before Judge Nicole Serra for the very direct trial that took place in relation to the crime of theft of the car. The arrest has been validated and the man remains locked up in the Lanusei prison .

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