Tenants fleeing from their homes, two unusable rooms and a lot of fear.

Busy night in Quartu due to a fire in via Sant'Antonio : someone set fire to a pile of rubbish, under the PILOTIS of two adjacent buildings and the smoke reached the apartments on the first floor, forcing two families to abandon them.

Firefighters arrived with various vehicles to put out the fire. The operations were not simple because the fire and heat caused significant damage to two rooms of the homes. The premises were then declared unusable. The facade of the building was blackened and some windows were shattered.

118 was called to the scene for three minor intoxications but no one was taken to hospital.

The flames broke out before 2am with the alarm also raised by passing motorists: the fire brigade arrived immediately with four teams from the operations centre.

Inspections by the fire brigade, the police and the carabinieri of the mobile radio operations department of the Quartu company are underway, coordinated by Captain Ignazio Cabras.

The fire is almost certainly malicious in nature.

Matteo Vercelli

Antonio Serreli

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